Background and Past Work

The Lane Event Center (LEC) Master Planning Process is grounded in a strong foundation of past work. In 2017, the LEC began addressing the challenges of aging facilities and planning for future needs. Through thoughtful analysis, past work developed:

  • A detailed Facilities Condition Assessment evaluated the condition of existing infrastructure and identified the scope of necessary improvements to ensure the facilities remain functional and reliable.
  • A Market Demand Analysis further examined the LEC’s operations and identified opportunities to enhance its offerings and better serve the community. This analysis provided insight into how the facilities could adapt to meet future demands and continue contributing as an important regional resource.
  • Additionally, a draft analysis titled Big Idea Market Opportunity Executive Summary was developed to explore potential large-scale projects and outline possible next steps.

This work provided valuable information to the Board of County Commissioners, focusing on projects through the lens of Return on Investment (ROI). As an enterprise fund, the LEC must carefully evaluate opportunities to ensure financial sustainability while supporting its role as a community resource.

Current Phase and Next Steps

Building on this foundational work, the next phase of this process focuses on community engagement to gather input on community priorities and the diverse needs and aspirations of our community and region, resulting in a shared vision and community-centered design concepts for the LEC.

Once this phase is complete, the LEC and Lane County will create a comprehensive plan to guide the LEC’s growth and development, ensuring it remains a valuable and relevant asset for years to come.